Types of Violence - France

Law number 2018-703 on the fight against sexual and gender-based violence - France

10.08.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

On 1 August 2018, the French Parliament adopted this law, which will now make it possible to better prevent violence, better support victims and better punish aggressors.

The main articles of the law against sexual and gender-based violence provide for: a 30-year limitation period for sex crimes committed against minors; strengthening the protection of minors against sexual assault and rape committed by an adult; the introduction of an infraction to verbalize street harassment; the fight against new forms of aggression: "digital raids" on social networks, upskirting or voyeurism, rape drugs.


  • Type of publication : Legal text
  • Author : L’Assemblée nationale et le Sénat Français
  • Publishing house : The National Assembly and the French Senate
  • Publication date : 2018
  • Number of pages : 4
  • Language : French


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