Miscellaneous - - International

Mapping Gender Data Gaps

17.07.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

This report maps gender data gaps in developing countries across five domains of women’s empowerment: (1) health, (2) education, (3) economic opportunities, (4) political participation, and (5) human security. The report also suggests ‘ways forward’ to close these gaps using existing and new data sources, including censuses and micro-level surveys, service and administrative records, and the potential use of ‘big data’ as a new source of gender data. Laws and policies, particularly those related to marriage, property, and labor rights, influence health, education, and economic outcomes for women. However, comprehensive information on policies related to women is difficult to obtain. Therefore, databases that help document laws and policies affecting women’s outcomes are also reviewed in this report.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Buvinic Rebecca Furst-Nichols Gayatri Koolwal
  • Publishing house : Data2X
  • Publication date : 2014
  • Number of pages : 72
  • Language : English


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