Civil and political rights - Tunisia

A brainstorming exercise in Tunisia: The condition of female domestic workers in question (s)

20.06.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

This is a qualitative study that is based on in-depth interviews with domestic workers in the Greater Tunis area. This study focuses on the condition of domestic workers in Tunisia: what path led them to this job? What are the difficulties they encounter and how do they confront them? Are they aware of their rights? Are they able to organize themselves in a network? It also proposes a number of recommendations that would enable domestic workers to obtain the recognition they deserve, such as: the ratification of ILO Convention 189; the revision of the Social Security Affiliation Act for low-income people; the integration of informal domestic work in the field of action of the general trade union (UGTT) and the training of trade union leaders in this area; as well as the criminalization of the various forms of abuse of socio-economic rights and violence specific to this category of female workers.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Zohra Bouguerra en collaboration avec Ismahene Ben Taleb et Salwa Kennou Sebei
  • Publishing house : Tunisian Women's Association for Development Research (AFTURD) & ActionAid France
  • Publication date : 2017
  • Number of pages : 24
  • Language : French


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