Types of Violence - - International

Adolescent Girls'Views on Safety in Cities - Findings from the Because I am a Girl: Urban Programme Study in Cairo, Delhi, Hanoi, Kampala and Lima

27.04.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

This unique participatory study - involving over 1,000 adolescent girls from 5 cities across the world - reveals that fear of sexual violence is creating ’no-go areas’ for girls. Although girls are more likely to be educated and marry later in cities, they face regular threats to their safety.

The participants from Cairo, Delhi, Hanoi, Kampala and Lima assessed their neighbourhoods and mapped out major obstacles to their safety and inclusiveness.

Despite being from different parts of the world, the participants shared a common vision for future cities, which are well-lit, well-planned, have access to clean toilets and allow them to make their way safely to education, work and leisure facilities.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Plan International, UN Habitat, Women in Cities International
  • Publishing house : Plan International, UN Habitat, Women in Cities International
  • Publication date : 2013
  • Number of pages : 59
  • Language : English


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