Civil and political rights - - International

She is 10 years old - How our future depends on a girl at this decisive age

10.04.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

In its 2016 World Population State, the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) explores the conditions facing the ten year old girl. At age 10, girl’s life is about to take a pivotal turn, either towards expanding opportunities or narrowing ones.

As these girls enter adolescence, their potential will be nurtured, materially benefiting their families, communities, and countries, or their potential will limited, depriving the world of their talents and achievements.

In this report, UNFP provides several facts related to 10 year old girls worldwide of which we note the following: 58% girls live in countries with high levels of gender inequality

16 million girls between ages 6 abd 11 will never start school. That is double the number of boys. An adolescent girl dies as a result of violence every 10 minutes.

1 in 3 girls drop out of secondary school due to child marriage.

More valuable information in the report which also provides 10 essential actions for improving girls conditions worldwide!


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : United National Population Fund (UNFP)
  • Publishing house : United National Population Fund (UNFP)
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 116
  • Language : English, French and Arabic


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