Health / Emotional and sexual life - - MENA region

Package on sexual and reproductive health and rights issues for children and adolescents

09.04.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

The purpose of this package is to provide evidence and tools for facilitators to help them raise awareness of the importance of gender equality in all sexual and reproductive health rights and duties; to provide the necessary knowledge to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights of children and adolescents and to avoid practices and behaviours that threaten their health. It also aims to promote positive attitudes and skills that contribute to making healthy choices regarding sexual and reproductive health of adolescents.

The package consists of a guide for facilitators, a user’s guide, and a guide to implementing activities for parents, adolescents and children, as well as a number of posters.


  • Type of publication : Toolbox / Methodological guide
  • Author : Ola Ataya, Soline Dakkash et al.
  • Publishing house : Save the children
  • Publication date : 2012
  • Number of pages : 71
  • Language : Arabic


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