Civil and political rights - Libya

Women's Political Academy, a new project that aspires to increase the political participation of Libyan women

23.12.2017 / Created by jwc

Between October 22 and November 27 2017, Jurists Without Borders organized a training within the framework of its ‘’Women’s Political Academy’’ project which aims to improve women’s participation in political life in order to build a healthy and democratic society. The project also seeks to reform the electoral law to include a quota for women and to build the leadership skills of potential candidates before the upcoming parliamentary elections.

To learn more about this training and the project, you can check the detailed report listed below, and you can watch the video in the link below.


  • Type of publication : Conference proceedings
  • Author : منظمة حقوقيون بلا قيود
  • Publishing house : Jurists Without Chains
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 12
  • Language : English


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