Miscellaneous - - Europe

The life of women and men in Europe - A statistical portrait

21.11.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

There are large differences between the lives of women and men in Europe, but there are also similarities. The new digital publication The life of women and men in Europe —a statistical portrait aims at comparing women and men in their daily lives. It also shows how similar or different the everyday life of women and men is in European countries.  This digital publication containing short texts, interactive visualisation tools, infographics, photos, etc. has been developed by Eurostat in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries and is available in most of their official languages.


  • Type of publication : Statistics
  • Author : Eurostat
  • Publishing house : Eurostat
  • Publication date : 2017
  • Number of pages : 26
  • Language : English and French


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