This manual is one of the first manuals, developed and tested in the Middle East, for educating children on gender equality. It is composed of fun and interactive games for children aged 8 to 12 years old, and it facilitate the learning of important concepts and terminology pertaining to gender equality such as the concepts of partnership, gender roles, gender-based violence – GBV, and discrimination.
By learning the terms and concepts associated with Gender Equality, children can begin the important process of questioning the inequalities that they see around them. They can be engaged in discussions that will give them a different perception of gender relations then those that they have witnessed in their home, culture, and local media. They can start on a path to becoming adults who are sensitive to issues of gender and gender inequalities, and advocates for laws and policies to correct those human rights violations in their country.
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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