Civil and political rights - Libya

Feminism at the Frontline: Addressing Women's Multidimensional Insecurity in Yemen and Libya

04.09.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

The peaceful uprisings that sparkled in 2011 in Libya and Yemen transformed into violent armed conflicts, characterized by internal insecurity and severe proliferation of arms. This transformation significantly limited the space for women and restricted their involvement in the peace processes, despite them constituting forces for revolutionary change at the beginning of the uprisings. In 2017, WILFP held consultancies to highlight the extent to which women’s experiences of direct involvement in peace and security have impacted on how they continue to see themselves today. This report sums up the outcome of these consultancies.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom
  • Publishing house : Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom
  • Publication date : 2017
  • Number of pages : 32
  • Language : English and Arabic


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