Civil and political rights - Egypt

A Woman worth A Hundred Women

04.08.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

This booklet contains successful stories of ten women who had leadership roles in defending women’s labour rights and their rights at trade unions.Their roles were motivating and inspiring for their female and male co-workers.This compilation of stories aims to contribute to improving the image of women by highlighting working women’s capacities to change and resist the violence and discrimination they are subjected to in work, as well as to document the experiences that can be inspiring for other female trade unionists.

This booklet is one of the activities of the project "Women at Work: Tools for Empowering Egyptian Women Workers", in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy. Most of these women participated in the activities of this project, which ranged from training activities, seminars and workshops to launching campaigns and initiatives on women’s issues at work.


  • Type of publication : Book
  • Author : Marwa Abd al-Hamid & Hanan Omar
  • Publishing house : New Woman Foundation
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 21
  • Language : English and Arabic


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