Types of Violence - - Euro-Mediterranean region

The Female Face of Jihadism: Part of a Joint Study by EUROMESCO

28.07.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

In the framework of the publication of the Joint Policy Study about the Terrorist Threat in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, published by EuroMeSCo (network of think tanks coordinated by the European Institute of the Mediterranean – IEMed), Dr. Dalia Ghanem Yazbeck wonders about the reasons that led women to join jihadist groups such the religious motivations, the desire to live in a perfect community, brotherhood and sisterhood, psychological and philosophical motivations, and the social affairs (economical, political and social conditions of women).

The publication is fruit of a debate resulting from a Dialogue Workshop on “Terrorist Threat in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” held in Cairo on 5 November 2015 to discuss an earlier draft of this Joint Policy Study.


  • Type of publication : Article
  • Author : Dalia Ghanem Yazbeck
  • Publishing house : EuroMeSCo, IEMed
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 26
  • Language : English


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