Health / Emotional and sexual life - France

Contribution to the debate on the access to medically assisted procreation (MAP)

10.05.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

This Opinion of the High Council for Gender Equality (HCE), which contributes to the debate on medically assisted procreation (MAP), proposes to the French Government and Parliament three recommendations: Extend the access to the MAP for all women without discrimination; introduce the possibility of a "joint declaration of parenthood" for all couples who had MAP; and align the management of MAP actions for couples of women and unmarried women on the care arrangements for heterosexual couples.


  • Type of publication : Thematic report
  • Author : Haut Conseil à l’Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes
  • Publishing house : High Council for Gender Equality
  • Publication date : 2015
  • Number of pages : 32
  • Language : French


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