Miscellaneous - France

Catalogue of trainings about family's private international law

27.03.2017 / Created by FIJIRNAFR

The globalization and the importance of migration flows present some complex questions in the field of family's private international law: some laws authorize the polygamous marriage, other laws ban that kind of marriage, while the homosexual marriage, lequel a été interdit pendant longtemps en France, still remains illegal in a large number of States, and the forced marriage practices are still common in some parts of the world. These are relevant aspects that private international law must challenge, with difficult task of allowing recognition of foreign laws, while ensuring respect for the principle of equality between women and men.


  • Type of publication : Institutional agendas
  • Author : FIJI RA
  • Publishing house : FIJI
  • Publication date : 2017
  • Number of pages : 14
  • Language : French


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