Economy / Employment - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Final Report on Access and Retention of Women in Quality Employment in Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey

08.03.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

This documents reports on the findings of a study on "Improving access to and retention of women in quality jobs in the Mediterranean region", funded by the French Development Agency. Three countries are at the heart of the analysis; Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey. The three studied countries show some striking similarities: they all have low female participation rates, a stereotyped segmentation of the labor market, domestic work time that is highly unfavorable for women, and the maintenance of representations that assign differentiated roles to men and women. However, the strong regional divergences and the different logics in urban and rural areas call for refinement of public policies and projects combating gender inequalities in education, access and retention of quality jobs.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Jean-Yves Moisseron, Pauline Chabbert, Pauline de la Cruz, Gaelle Gillot, Damiano de Facci, Kamel Kateb, Charlotte Groppo, et France Guérin
  • Publishing house : French Development Agency (AFD)
  • Publication date : 2014
  • Number of pages : 271
  • Language : French


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