Miscellaneous - France

For a secular and Universalist feminism

08.03.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

This document is an appeal launched by the associations “Comite Laïcité République” (secularity Republic Committee) “Libres Mariannes” and the association “pour le droit international des femmes “ (association for international law for women) during the “Place aux femmes” (place for women) convention held at the National Assembly on June 18th 2016. The appeal is in favor of an explicit resourcing to the Universalist principles of the French Republic, especially the equality among everyone, secularism which combines individual freedoms and citizen cohesion, singularity and equality.


  • Type of publication : Manifesto
  • Author : Comité Laïcité République – Libres MarianneS – Ligue du Droit International des Femmes
  • Publishing house : 50/50 Newsletter
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 3
  • Language : French


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