Miscellaneous - - International

The basics on the challenges of gender and development

20.01.2017 / Created by (EMWF)

In order to support the growth of knowledge on gender at AFD, the French Development Agency has created a pedagogical information program aimed at fostering reflection on gender. This "Pause Gender" program provides an overview of the concepts, themes and topical subjects and consists of number of documents, including this one which to aims to create a common base of basic knowledge on gender equality issues in the areas and regions of intervention Of the AFD.


  • Type of publication : Thematic report
  • Author : Julie Ricard en collaboration avec Olivia Dabbous, Sarah Lahmani-Saada , Françoise Rivière , Safia Otokoré, Marie Ménard, Valentin Bloyet, Sophie Biacabe et Nicolas Rossin
  • Publishing house : French Development Agency (AFD)
  • Number of pages : 35
  • Language : French


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