Health / Emotional and sexual life - Syria

Understanding women's experience of violence and the political economy of gender in conflict: the case of Syria

28.12.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This article examines this underexplored dimension of violence against women (VAW) in political conflicts, by identifying risk environments and lived realities of violence experienced by women in the Syrian conflict. The article gives a multi-level analysis of women’s experiences of violence, taking into account the impact of the political economy of the wider region as shaping the lived realities of violence and women’s response, as well as their access to resources for resistance and recovery.


  • Type of publication : Article
  • Author : K Alsaba, A Kapilashrami
  • Publishing house : Reproductive Health Matters
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 17
  • Language : English


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