Economy / Employment - - Euro-Mediterranean region

"She Decides, You Succeed" Conclusions

21.10.2016 / Created by AOMBA

This document presents the main conclusions of the project "She decides, You succeed" funded by the European Commission. This report analyses the reasons behind the slow incorporation of women into top management and leadership positions in the European business world, and identifies the benefits the private sector could enjoy as a result of a greater female presence in positions of economic leadership within companies. The project met 150 private companies from the five countries studied (Italy, Latvia, Romania, Spain and UK) encouraging them to facilitate the access of women to economic decision-making positions and to promote a greater gender balance in their own Board of Directors.


  • Type of publication : Thematic report
  • Author : AFAEMME
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 8
  • Language : English


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