Types of Violence - Arab League

Beirut Call for Action Prioritizing women, peace and security on the Arab agenda

06.10.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

The Beirut call of action includes 15 recommendations on prioritizing women, peace and security on the Arab agenda. They fall under three categories: localize the agenda; promote women’s activism in peace and war; and institutionalize joint actions on women, peace and security.The call was a result of an international conference that took place in Beirut, from 8 to 10 August 2016, on the theme “Towards prioritizing women, peace and security on the Arab agenda”. It brought together experts, academics, practitioners, civil society representatives, government officials and United Nations representatives.


  • Type of publication : Manifesto
  • Author : Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World at the Lebanese American University and the Centre for Women of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
  • Publishing house : The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 4
  • Language : English


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