Economy / Employment - - MENA region

Empowering Women in the Rural Labor Force with a Focus on Agricultural Employment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

16.09.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

Women in the MENA region are farmers and family and wage workers, but lack control over most resources and other opportunities. Therefore their contribution to the agricultural development and to the broader economic and social development remains limited.This paper questions the ways in which women empowerment and gender equality could be achieved in the rural labor force through adequate and equitable agriculturalEmployment. In other words, how could the participation of women in agricultural production and processing better address economic growth and poverty reduction? 


  • Type of publication : Thematic report
  • Author : Malika Abdelali-Martini
  • Publishing house : The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
  • Publication date : 2011
  • Number of pages : 19
  • Language : English


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