Economy / Employment - - International

Women: The next emerging market Supporting women to fulfil their potential

31.05.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This study focuses on finding ways to support women to fulfil their potential on the economic level. It highlights the importance of women´s participation in economy and access to leadership positions, and explains the difficulties they still face in accessing boardrooms, property, education, and the social and cultural restrictions against joining the labour force. The study emphasises the importance of supporting entrepreneurs, especially youth. It takes into account different factors that influence and enhance this participation, and how to empower women economically, by working with governments, corporations, advocacy groups and non-profit organizations.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Ernst & Young LLP
  • Publishing house : Ernst & Young LLP
  • Publication date : 2014
  • Number of pages : 22
  • Language : English


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