Economy / Employment - - International

Harnessing Knowledge on the Migration of Highly Skilled Women

27.05.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This report summarizes a two-day expert group meeting on highly skilled women migrants. The meetings aimed at: a. Review evidence on the nature, scope and impact of highly skilled migrant women in countries of origin and destination. b. Share good practices related to the issue. c. Examine the monitoring, evaluation and implementation of policies that aim to facilitate highly skilled migrant women’s successful social and economic integration. d. Highlight the challenges and barriers, and Identify practical solutions, and pathways that can help overcome these challenges and barriers.


  • Type of publication : Conference proceedings
  • Author : International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • Publishing house : International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • Publication date : 2014
  • Number of pages : 154
  • Language : English


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