Types of Violence - - Euro-Mediterranean region

The gender dimension of human trafficking

17.05.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

Data on the prevalence of human trafficking show that the majority of the victims are women and girls. Sexual exploitation is by far the first purpose of trafficking in women. This briefing highlights the special vulnerabilities of women and girls and the efforts of the European Union and the international community to combat human trafficking and protect the possible victims. It also underlines the key instruments adopted by the EU that are based on a victim-centred approach and recognises that support and protection of victims, as well as prevention should be gender-specific.


  • Type of publication : Institutional agendas
  • Author : Sofija Voronova and Anja Radjenovic
  • Publishing house : European Parliamentary Research Service
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 10
  • Language : English


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