Types of Violence - Tunisia

Assaulted and Accused: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Tunisia

05.05.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

Despite many positive steps by Tunisia to promote gender equality and combat sexual and gender-based violence, the law fails to protect female survivors of violence. It allows rapists to dodge punishment if they marry their teenage victims. It fails to clearly define rape or recognize marital rape. It criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual relations and adultery, deterring survivors from speaking out for fear of prosecution. This report, which includes interviews with dozens of survivors, highlights how the blame culture and legal failings are particularly harmful in a country where sexual and gender-based violence remains prevalent. It also shows that survivors face inadequate support and numerous obstacles if they dare to seek justice.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Amnesty International
  • Publishing house : Amnesty International
  • Publication date : 2016
  • Number of pages : 80
  • Language : English


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