Civil and political rights - - MENA region

New Trends of Women's Activism after the Arab Uprisings Redefining Women's Leadership

28.04.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This study is based on a research conducted in five Arab countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen and the occupied Palestinian territory) in 2013. It fo­cuses on how emerging young female leaders – ordinary educated women with no specific feminist consciousness or previous political involvement – succeeded in shaping a new form of women’s activism. The main argument of this study is that the newly emerged non-feminist women’s leaders, especially those who represent Islamist parties and their conservative gender agenda, have the potential to re-signify their gender norms within the moral framework of Islamic tradition, as well as to transform their political leadership into a feminist leadership.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Aitemad Muhanna-Matar
  • Publishing house : Middle East Center
  • Publication date : 2014
  • Number of pages : 20
  • Language : English


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