Health / Emotional and sexual life - - European Union

Elderly women living alone: an update of their living conditions

19.04.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This study presents the recent changes in the living conditions of elderly women living alone with a focus on the effects of recent pension reforms and active ageing policies in Europe. The study is largely based on a literature review and a desk analysis of the micro-data and information available at the European level. It is also well-grounded on qualitative analysis of good practices in active ageing introduced in recent years in six countries selected as representative of European welfare systems.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Manuela Samek Lodovici, Monica Patrizio, Flavia Pesce, Enrico Roletto
  • Publishing house : European Parliament
  • Publication date : 2015
  • Number of pages : 145
  • Language : English


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