Civil and political rights - Palestinian Authority

Practical guide for Networking, Lobbying and Advocacy

30.03.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This guide aims to help civil institutions in Palestine in order to better understand and have a common knowledge of the concepts of networking, advocacy and lobbying, improving also the capacity of these institutions in these fields.The guide is both theoretical and practical and it works on explaining the concepts, objectives and principles, in addition to the tools and methods to be used. It also includes the successful practices and examples of networking and advocacy and lobbying implemented by Palestinian civil society organizations.


  • Type of publication : Toolbox / Methodological guide
  • Author : Saed Jasser, Samir Seif
  • Publishing house : Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations´ Forum to fight Violence against women (Al Muntada)
  • Publication date : 2008
  • Number of pages : 88
  • Language : English and Arabic


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