Civil and political rights - Lebanon

A guide to work inside women's prisons in Lebanon. Country concerned: Lebanon

11.03.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This guide seeks to contribute to prison´s reform process in Lebanon, focusing on women's prisons. It aims to instruct male and female specialists and workers inside women's prisons, to the best approaches to adopt, that respect the rights of women prisoners, the development of their skills and income-generating capabilities through various programs and projects.The guide defines the most important rights of female prisoners, explaining as well the reality of prisons in the Arab countries, with a specific focus on Lebanon. It provides detailed guidance and advice for working inside women´s prisons: monitoring, preparing and evaluation projects; data collecting; material´s preparation;individual follow-up of women prisoners; preparing prisoners to re-integrate into society, literacy programs and learning new skills ... etc.


  • Type of publication : Toolbox / Methodological guide
  • Author : Anita Farah Nassar
  • Publishing house : Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab world, the Lebanese American University
  • Publication date : 2011
  • Number of pages : 195
  • Language : Arabic


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