Economy / Employment - - Europe

Part-Time Work in the Nordic Region. Part-time work, gender and economic distribution in the Nordic countries

24.02.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

Part time work isone important challenge to Gender equality in the labour market—a key topic in the Nordic cooperation on gender equality 2011-2014. It is more common among women than men and affects their economic opportunities at the individual level and the gender equality in the labour market.This report gives facts and statistics on the trends in part-time work among women and men, studying reported reasons and the long term economic consequences of part-time work. It also highlights how male and female full-time and part-time workers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden experience and feel about their income level and economic situation.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Alma Wennemo Lanninger, Marianne Sundström
  • Publishing house : Nordic Council of Ministers
  • Publication date : 2014
  • Number of pages : 53
  • Language : English


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