Types of Violence - - Middle East

“To protect her honour” Child marriage in emergencies – the fatal confusion between protecting girls and sexual violence

25.01.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This thematic report, is designed for humanitarian workers, policy-makers and donors to: highlight promising practices and/or gaps in programming. It critically analyses work in the field of gender and protection in humanitarian contexts. The report also examines the issue of child and early forced marriage in the Syrian context, which has increased alarmingly, especially among Syrian refugee communities, after the Syrian crisis that started in 2011. The paper discusses the socio-economic reasons of child marriage, and it focuses on it as a ‘gateway’ to other forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV).


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Danielle Spencer
  • Publishing house : Care International
  • Publication date : 2015
  • Number of pages : 15
  • Language : English


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