Economy / Employment - - Europe

Women Active in the ICT sector

15.01.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This study tries to analyze the reasons behind the gender gap in the Information and Communication Technologies sector in Europe, and why women are underrepresented in the sector, particularly in technical and decision-making positions. The study updates current data regarding females’ roles in the sector. It also assesses the economic impact of incorporating women into the sector; reviews the status of the European Code of Best Practices for Women and ICT; and analyses successful social media campaigns. Finally, it provides useful insights, in order to attract women to, and encourage them to remain in, the ICT sector


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : European Commission, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
  • Publishing house : European Union (EU)
  • Publication date : 2013
  • Number of pages : 304
  • Language : English


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