Economy / Employment - Egypt

Narrowing the gap improving labor market opportunities for women in Egypt

08.01.2016 / Created by (EMWF)

This report aims at examining the gender dimension in the Egyptian labour market.  It is an update of the Egypt gender assessment report which was made in 2003 and looked at gender gaps in social and economic areas such as: legal framework, political participation, health, labour, poverty…One of the main objectives of the report is to identify the scope for policies to improve female labour force participation, and to analyse the obstacles which restrict it. Also it brings out the questions of gender wage gap and reconciliation of work and family life for women in Egypt.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : World Bank
  • Publishing house : World Bank
  • Publication date : 2013
  • Number of pages : 131
  • Language : English


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