Types of Violence - Mauritania

Still Far From Freedom: The Struggle of Mauritania's Haratine Women

16.12.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

The Haratine minority in Mauritania, known colloquially as ‘Black Moors’, have historically been enslaved by the dominant Arab Berber population, or ‘White Moors’. This report addresses the problem of Haratine community and especially Haratine women, who are discriminated against on account of both their gender and ethnicity.

The report is based on testimony of Haratine women. It highlights the everyday reality of abuse and oppression experienced by those in servitude: exploitative labor, intimidation, rape, violence and enforced separation from families... The report provides as well recommendations in order to end slavery, exploitation and discrimination, and to achieve a fair and inclusive society. 


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Paige Wilhite Jennings
  • Co-editor : Minority Rights Group International
  • Publication date : 2015
  • Number of pages : 28
  • Language : English


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