Civil and political rights - Czech Republic

Promoting Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Czech Republic: Real Effort or Window Dressing Supported by the European Union?

20.10.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This paper describes the experience of the Czech Republic in the promotion of equal opportunities between men and women, including since its EU membership. It briefly describes the efforts made to advance in relation to the common gender indicators (women's employment, pay gap between men and women, women's political participation and so on) and it analyses their effect on the status of women. The paper also offers a critical view of EU action and its attitude towards the situation of the new member states in terms of gender equality.


  • Type of publication : Article
  • Author : Petr Pavlik
  • Publishing house : Harriet Taylor Mill-Institut
  • Publication date : 2010
  • Number of pages : 21
  • Language : English


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