Culture / Sports / Leasure - Maghreb

Where are the Women? A Practical Guide for Media Professionals Covering the Political Transitions in the Arab World

08.10.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This guide suggests ideas to journalists, editors and bloggers for taking into account the gender dimension in the media coverage in political transition periods in the Arab world. For each issue - violations, elections, governments and constitutions - the guide proposes a series of questions to verify whether women's concerns have been taken into account. Each of these lists is preceded by suggestions for articles, radio and television debate programmes and blogs. 


  • Type of publication : Toolbox / Methodological guide
  • Author : Lesley Abdela
  • Publishing house : Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network - EMHRN
  • Publication date : 2012
  • Number of pages : 35
  • Language : French


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