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« Mission possible » : a gender and media advocacy toolkit

14.08.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This tool has been prepared within the Gender and Media Monitoring Project (GMMP), launched in 1995, to undertake research on gender representation in the media and to lead advocacy actions for a balanced and non-stereotyped portrayal. This handbook puts forward definitions and analyses key concepts related to gender and the media while providing specific tools and strategies to apply these concepts. It presents case studies, advice and information on the measures to be adopted in order to modify the negative portrayal of gender in and through the media, notably the subject of gender violence. 


  • Type of publication : Toolbox / Methodological guide
  • Author : World Association for Christian Communication (WACC)
  • Publishing house : World Association for Christian Communication (WACC)
  • Publication date : 2005
  • Number of pages : 67
  • Language : English


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