Economy / Employment - France

Fathers with executive positions in search of balance: Portrait of a generation that seeks to reconcile work and family

05.06.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This study was conducted in the framework of the project Qualitemps, which seeks to further involve fathers in family life in order to strengthen professional equality between women and men. It is based on a sample of 400 fathers with executive positions aged 30 to 40, 60 interviews with senior managers and 20 interviews with heads of human resources of big corporations on the issue of parenthood. The study describes and analyses the blockages for the reconciliation of men’s professional and private life and it establishes a typology of fathers according to the relation with work and fatherhood.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Bénédicte Bertin-Mourot, Claire Beffa, Karine Armani, Marlies Gaillard
  • Publishing house : Equilibres
  • Publication date : 2008
  • Number of pages : 59
  • Language : French


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