Education / Professional training - Tunisia

How to promote gender equality through textbooks? Methodological guide for actors in the textbook chain

05.06.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

The impact of school textbooks in a society goes beyond the strict framework of education and the school. It aims at exploring the potentialities of school textbooks as a vector of gender equality in order to achieve the goals of Education For All. Specifically, two objectives are targeted: on the one hand, to identify the construction of gender inequalities in school textbooks along the curriculum and, on the other, to provide tools to critically revise textbooks or to use those existing. The guide is aimed at teachers and adults involved in the chain of textbooks from conception to its use and, beyond the school, to family and the community.


  • Type of publication : Toolbox / Methodological guide
  • Author : Carole Brugeilles, Sylvie Cromer
  • Publishing house : UNESCO
  • Publication date : 2009
  • Number of pages : 94
  • Language : French


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