Education / Professional training - Maghreb

Mass Female Schooling, Marriage System and Gender Relation in the Maghreb

02.06.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This article from the journal Genre, sexualité & société examines the matrimonial systems in Maghreb countries in accordance with the social changes, notably in the field of education. It seeks to assess to what extent the mass schooling of young girls, the extension of study time, the greater presence of women in the public space and the development of forms of coeducation have shaken the bases of the traditional family organization. In countries where the status of women is at the core of societal problems, all these elements have a crucial impact on the relation within the family cell, on marriage practices and gender relations.


  • Type of publication : Article
  • Author : Kamel Kateb
  • Publishing house : Genre, sexualité & société
  • Publication date : 2011
  • Number of pages : 13
  • Language : French


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