Economy / Employment - Morocco

Gender Relations and Micro-Finance: Internal Allocation of Household Resources and Capacity of Poor Women to Develop Trade Activities

29.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

The objective of the study is to analyse the influence of the men-women relations and gender disparities on the development of micro-enterprises created by women in Morocco. This study is based on information collected during 19 in-depth individual interviews and 10 meetings of target groups in the region of Rabat, i.e. a total of 108 people. Through several case studies, the report examines the constraints and factors of success of the businesses run by women from numerous points of view: education and training levels, attitudes towards women entrepreneurs, the financial needs of investment, and so on.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Al Amana
  • Publishing house : Women' s World Banking
  • Publication date : 2003
  • Number of pages : 152
  • Language : French


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