Education / Professional training - - International

Girls' schooling. Let us right injustice and end discrimination

29.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This report examines the schooling of girls in 80 developing countries, based on the conceptual framework known as the 4As. This framework, adopted by the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, declares the States' obligations to guarantee that education is: Available, Accessible, Acceptable and Adaptable to the needs and the status of all children. The countries analysed are grouped in function of their performance in terms of presence of girls in the education system. It also studies the world economic paradigms and the education development frameworks that influence education policies.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Sarah Beardmore
  • Publishing house : Global Campaign for Education
  • Publication date : 2011
  • Number of pages : 60
  • Language : French


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