Education / Professional training - Arab League

The Road Not Travelled. Education Reform in the Middle East and North Africa

29.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This report examines the challenges of the development of education in the Arab region and seeks to identify the possibilities of reforms in education. Its objective is to assess the impact of investment in education on the economic benefits. Thus, the report addresses three questions: 1) How much has the region invested in education over the last decades, and how much has this investment been translated into higher economic growth and better pay distribution? 2) What can policy-makers do to reverse this outcome? 3) Are domestic labour markets and migration providing effective outlets for reaping the benefits of a more educated labour force?


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : World Bank
  • Publishing house : World Bank
  • Publication date : 2008
  • Number of pages : 359
  • Language : English


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