Civil and political rights - - Middle East

Report on Refugee and Stateless Women across the Arab Region. Stories of: The Dream of Return, the Fear of Trafficking and Discriminatory Laws

29.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This report concerns the situation of millions of displaced people in the Arab region, whether within their country or outside their borders due to the occupation of the Palestinian territories and also the conflicts in Iraq, Sudan and Somalia. Thus, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt have had to receive thousands of refugees. This report aims to highlight the status of refugee and stateless women through the Arab region in the light of the international conventions providing for the protection of refugees' rights, notably the right of women refugees to return to their country of origin.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Sabah Al-Hallaq
  • Publishing house : El Karama
  • Publication date : 2008
  • Number of pages : 53
  • Language : English


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