Civil and political rights - - European Union

The Role of Parliamentary Committees in Mainstreaming Gender and Promoting the Status of Women

29.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

In order to help members of parliamentary bodies to further strengthen gender equality, between 4 and 6 December 2006 the Inter-ParliamentaryUnion(IPU) held a seminar entitled "The Role of Parliamentary Committees in Mainstreaming Gender and Promoting the Status of Women". The document reviews this seminar, which brought together over 100 parliamentarians and parliamentary staff from 36 countries. The seminar identified ways in which the functioning of parliamentary committees dealing with the status of women could be enhanced, and policy and legislative outcomes bolstered, to promote gender equality in the texts and policies adopted by these committees.


  • Type of publication : Conference proceedings
  • Author : Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
  • Publishing house : Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
  • Publication date : 2007
  • Number of pages : 108
  • Language : English


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