Civil and political rights - Arab League

The Strategic Use of Gender Quotas in the Arab World

28.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

One of the controversial and efficient tools for the promotion of women in the political field is the gender quota. This document explores all the incentive measures regarding the adoption of gender quotas in Middle East and North Africa parliaments. The author uses historical analysis to assess the adoption of quotas in 22 Arab League countries from 1990 to 2009. The document focuses on the external economic influence exercised through development aid on the possible adoption of quotas by Arab parliaments.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Bozena Chrisina Welbourne
  • Publishing house : Centre for Information and Documentation on Children' s and Women' s Rights (CIDDEF in French)
  • Publication date : 2010
  • Number of pages : 33
  • Language : English


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