Types of Violence - France

To Residence and Gender Violence. The Effect of the 9 July 2010 Act

15.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

This brochure presents the issues which in the 9 July 2010 act specifically concern individuals of foreign nationality. Indeed, the act has created a new measure, called "protection decree", which gives the right to a temporary residence card bearing the words "private and family life". After a brief introduction to this measure, this practical document focuses on analysing its involvement in the procedures to obtain residence cards and its limits.


  • Type of publication : Thematic report
  • Author : Groupe d' information et de soutien des immigrés(GISTI)
  • Publishing house : Group of Information and Support to Migrants (GISTI)
  • Publication date : 2011
  • Number of pages : 16
  • Language : French


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