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Miscellaneous - - Euro-Mediterranean region - Toolbox / Methodological guide

Gender Equality in the Mediterranean - Local Perspectives From the South

Created 06.11.2017

This booklet summarizes a number of initiatives coordinated within the framework of teh 1st cycle of the project "Strengthening the capacities of gender equality actors" funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development...

Miscellaneous - - Euro-Mediterranean region - Foundation Production

We have the floor: Mediterranean civil society calls for gender equality to become a reality

Created 30.10.2017

The project CSO WINS ‘’Capacity-Building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open Policy Dialogue and Monitoring for Women in Society’’, is a European Union funded project. It targets local associations in order to...

Civil and political rights - Tunisia - Study / Report

Field diagnosis: Women's Political Participation in Monastir and Sousse

Created 02.08.2017

Although Tunisian women have actively participated in political life for a long time, they are generally absent from power and decision-making positions. This diagnosis describes the political commitment of Tunisian women, with special focus on the...

Civil and political rights - Lebanon - Study / Report

Field diagnosis: Women's Political Participation in Lebanon: Perspectives from Mount-Lebanon

Created 02.08.2017

Although Lebanon is sometimes considered as the only democratic country in the Arab region with a free political environment and electoral system, the situation of women has not been strengthened enough for them to have a role on an equal footing...

Civil and political rights - Palestinian Authority - Study / Report

Field diagnosis: Palestinian women and the political process: an insight into the West Bank

Created 02.08.2017

This field diagnosis, elaborated by Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC), acknowledges women’s effective role in Palestinian politics and examines the factors that hinder their representation in decision-making...

Types of Violence - Algeria - Study / Report

Field diagnosis: Violence against women in Algeria - Focus on Oran

Created 26.07.2017

Violence against women (VAW) is a pervasive problem in Algeria as elsewhere in the world. It affects all social classes and regions and occurs both inside the home and in the public sphere. Yet, the issue remains largely invisible due to social...

Civil and political rights - Egypt - Study / Report

Field diagnosis: Women's political participation in Egypt: Perspectives from Giza

Created 30.06.2017

Despite their struggle and commitment, women have historically been underrepresented in Egyptian political life. Which factors impact on women’s ambitions to reach decision-making positions in Egyptian society? How women do evaluate their...

Civil and political rights - Jordan - Study / Report

Field diagnosis: Women's participation in municipal councils in Irbid

Created 15.06.2017

This diagnosis gives an overview of women’s participation in municipal councils in the region of Liwa Al Koura, in Irbid. It builds upon discussions and consultations with NGOs and local leaders, women members of municipal councils (elected...

Types of Violence - Morocco - Study / Report

Field diagnosis: Gender-based violence in Marrakech - Safi

Created 31.05.2017

This study analyzes the effectiveness of gender equality policies and the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) in the Marrakech-Safi region. The diagnosis is based on a holistic approach. First, it addresses the socio-demographic characteristics...

Civil and political rights - - Euro-Mediterranean region - Study / Report

Les dones a la Mediterrània. Primer informe de la Fundació de Dones Euromediterrànies sobre les Conferències Ministerials

Created 23.06.2016

Since the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation has been launched, It is committed to monitoring progress in achieving commitments of the Union for the Mediterranean States on ​​strengthening the role of women in the society. In 2014,...

Civil and political rights - - Euro-Mediterranean region - Foundation Production

Practices from the field. Advocating for Women in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

Created 31.03.2016

This analysis presents 12 successful practices in advocacy and policy dialogue pertaining to gender equality, developed in the Euro-Mediterranean region. With the aim to foster the transfer of the lessons learnt, this analysis proposes...

Miscellaneous - - Euro-Mediterranean region - Toolbox / Methodological guide

Intranet User Guide

Created 17.03.2016

This User Guide provides practical information on how gender equality actors can have access to the Intranet of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation’s platform and properly use its tools and services. The Intranet is considered as a...