Network of networks - Education / Professional training - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Euromed Young Researchers Forum 2021

19.10.2021 / Created by IEMed

Green and Digital Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean: Youth Connecting the Dots Across Economic Development, Migration and Security”:

During this year’s Forum, 40 participants from across the Mediterranean and its neighbouring regions will meet in Barcelona to exchange with policy-makers, practitioners and other young experts on key issues in the Euro-Mediterranean area and contribute to policy shaping in the region.

Participants will:

  • Present their research proposals on economic development, migration and security with a green/digital nexus
  • Benefit from capacity building sessions on infographics and how to write a policy brief
  • Access remunerated publishing opportunities: authors of selected Concept Notes will be asked to convert their proposals into Policy Briefs

The Forum count will count on the Lab Board that consists of 5 young researchers from different countries, who were previously involved in our acivities.

Learn more about the event.


  • Event type : Scientific meeting
  • Location : Barcelona
  • Start date : 25/10/2021
  • End date : 26/10/2021
  • Start time : 09:00


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