Documentary centre - Civil and political rights - - European Union

The Conference on the Future of Europe. Why a Gender Perspective is needed

27.09.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

The meeting will take place via Zoom

Livestreaming: Facebook Gender 5 Plus

The Conference on the Future of Europe, officially launched on 9 May this year, has not been very widely discussed, nor has it received much media attention, and even less has been said about the need to integrate a gender perspective in the process. Yet feminists have much to say about the future of Europe, and particularly now in the context of the COVID 19 crisis and its negative impact on gender equality.

As a European Feminist Think Tank, Gender Five Plus believes that, despite the "intergovernmental" nature of the process, it is crucial that women feel concerned and make their voices heard so that a more radical debate on the Future of Europe takes place and a gender perspective is introduced. This ongoing process of reflection on the Future of Europe provides an opportunity for feminists to put in their claim for a different type of post-covid EU - one where there is parity democracy, where gender-based violence is seriously dealt with, where the basis for growth shifts to the care economy and where the environment is effectively protected. Women need to be active participants contributing to the Future of Europe process and this is why Gender Five Plus is bringing together a panel of women, all experts in their areas, to discuss some of the issues in this first of a series of planned webinars.

The panelists will be:

~Gabi BISCHOFF, Member of the European Parliament.“State of play, participation of women and prospects”. ~Reka SAFRANY, President of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL)"Women’s representation in the citizen’s panels/forums’"

~Monika LADMANOVA, Member of the Cabinet of Vice President Jourova,“Gender and Democracy in the COFOE: opportunities and threats”

~Gabi ABELS, Jean Monnet Professor of Comparative Politics and European Integration, University of Tübingen.“Whose story is it anyway?”

Questions and comments from the audience will be welcomed.


  • Event type : Conference / Debate / Forum
  • Location : Online
  • Start date : 04/10/2021
  • End date : 04/10/2021
  • Start time : 17:30


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